Q Yellow Sapphire is a prominently treasured/ renowned precious, yellow-colored gemstone from the corundum mineral group. This “JUPITER STONE” is also known by many different names like Gururatna, Pukhraj, Pushpraag, Gurupriya, Guruvallabh, Pitman, and Vachaspati Vallabh...
Gururatna or Pukhraj is a birthstone of Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meen) zodiac signs.
Before now exploring the details about how to read a gemstone certificate report. First, you need to identify what is a gemstone certificate report and why it is so requisite.
At RR Gems and Jewels, trading in to stamp the stone’s authenticity and be a reliable source for all our clients. Most of the stones are certified by their own Testing Lab VGTL, (RAJ.) India, the par excellence Private lab in Rajasthan as well as India with the most extravagant range of equipment
Blue Sapphire (Neelam)is one of the predominant gemstones in Navratna stones. Neelam is marked as one of the most dynamic and powerhouse gemstones in the world of astrological coliseum/astrology. As claimed by ancient Indian science, Neelam is the stone of the fierce
planet Saturn or Lord Shani. This stone is favorable for individuals experiencing…