Sukra Mani is not an ordinary gem but it is a very rare gem.
The person wearing it gets relief from every kind of stress in life.This is a surefire way to remove Rahu obstacles.
Many colored stones are formed inside the fishes which provide immense wealth and blessings of the gods.
This gem found in the head of the fish is very popular for its miraculous effect.
There is no better gem than this gem to calm the pain of planet Rahu.
1)How and on which day to wear Machh Mani-
Mach Mani pendant should be consecrated and consecrated by a priest or astrologer before wearing.
The best day to wear Machha Mani pendant is Saturday or Wednesday during Rahu Kaal (period ruled by Rahu)
2)Miraculous benefits of Mach Mani?
There are many benefits of wearing Machh Mani.
Wearing Machh Mani brings profit in business and also leads to progress in job. Thus, there are many benefits of wearing Machh Mani.
.It is considered to be the most effective remedy to remove Rahu Dosh. If this is invoked and worn,
it also removes problems related to money. Due to its effect even stalled work starts getting completed and money comes from everywhere.
If you are surrounded by bad habits due to the influence of Rahu, then with its influence you will come out of those habits.
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