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Before now exploring the details about how to read a gemstone certificate report. First, you need to identify what is a gemstone certificate report and why it is so requisite.

At RR Gems and Jewels, trading in to stamp the stone’s authenticity and be a reliable source for all our clients. Most of the stones are certified by their own Testing Lab VGTL, (RAJ.) India, the par excellence Private lab in Rajasthan as well as India with the most extravagant range of equipment

What is a gemstone certificate report?

A gemstone certificate is claimed to recognize the quality of a gemstone. It is essentially a draft of the gemstone detailing all the key details (nuts and bolts) of the stone

Basis the individuality of the gemstone in the report, it becomes easily accomplished the genuineness of a stone. On the ground that you are investing a plentiful amount in buying online or offline gemstones from a shop near you, a gemstone certificate report ensures you are shopping for a genuine gemstone Online.

The Essential points covered in the report may assort depending on the different gemological testing lab reports you are viewing. Trained gemologists examine your stone and based on the mix of scientific analysis and expert inspection draft a report which is helpful in finding the nature and authenticity of the gem. A typical gemstone certificate report would have a picture of the gem on one side and its details mentioned.

Standard Characterstics or details in a Gemstone Certificate 

The fundamental details flagged in a gemstone certificate are its quality or purity of gemstone (natural or synthetic), carat weight, shape & cut, color, measurement of the stone, optic character, specific gravity, and refractive index,  hardness, and species. The remarks mentioned in the certificate also carry a high impact in these tests.

The feature or characteristics of each certificate vary compared to the technologies they are using and the scientific approach they are allowing for. However, the details mentioned above are essentially present in every gemstone testing certificate

A typical gemstone report from a private recognized Indian Gemological Institute – Vishwas Gemological Testing Laboratory (IGI-VGTL) will have the following elements:-

1. Report No.-

On the top left, you’ll find the stone certificate number which may be used whenever you want a duplicate copy of the report from the testing lab.

2. Date

On the top right of the certificate, you’ll find the date of the testing. The tests were done on date (please mention the date)are uploaded online. So, if you prefer to check any particular certificate, you can go to their website and view the report through the certificate number.

3. Type of stone

The title lists the type of stone, which could be Diamond,
Ruby, Sapphire, Tiger’s Eye or others.

4. Color

This classification mention the color of the gemstone. Colour is a vital factor when it comes to using a gemstone, particularly for astrological privileges.

5. Weight

The gross weight of the gemstone is mentioned here in carats.

7. Shape & Cut

Under shape & cut, the structure of the gemstone will be summed up as oval, round, or mixed.

8. Dimensions

The size of the gemstone is quoted under dimensions. No two untreated stones are of the same size; hence, you can certify the stone through this attribute as well.

12. Seal of trust and authenticity

Finally, the certificate is signed and verified by the authorized signatory of GTL.(Gemological Testing Laboratory

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